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  • June 17th 2022


    According to the founder of EcoTensil, Peggy Cross, the creation of the EcoSecurity Utensil was simply an accident. Once her team started working with The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), they quickly realized that a perfect solution for the prison industry would be utensils made from a material that is FDA approved, that cannot be sharpened into a weapon and can also be used to prevent self-harm. Let’s run through a few reasons why using EcoTensils EcoSecurity Utensils can be beneficial in Jails, Prisons and High-Risk Mental Health Institutions.


    First and foremost, the EcoSecurity Utensil is a safer option. One of the largest concerns in Jails and Prisons with plastic utensils is the potential for inmates to turn them into deadly weapons that can be used to severely hurt or even kill inmates and officers. With the use of EcoSecurity Utensils, this is virtually impossible to do so.

    By using EcoSecurity Utensils, you also are providing a more humane option of meal serving. Being segregated or on suicide watch and only allowed to eat with your fingers can be pretty degrading, and can lead to self-harm, riots, hunger strikes and more disruptive behaviors. ESU’s have helped tremendously with lawsuits around “inhumane treatment”.

    Lastly, using EcoSecurity Utensils in your institution helps promote sustainability. The ESU EcoSecurity Utensils use far less material than plastic utensils, creating less waste. These utensils are compostable and recyclable at waste facilities that accept milk cartons and are then produced from renewable materials.

    By using EcoSecurity Utensils you promote sustainability, save money for your facility, and provide a safer environment for officers and inmates. EcoTensils ESU EcoSecurity Utensils can either be purchase in by the case of 2,500 or 5,000. For more information on how you can increase security in your institution, reach out to the Cooks Correctional Sales Team at 866-613-2617 or visit our website, where you will find that we offer a wide range of correctional equipment and supplies.


    esu, ecosecurity, ecotensils