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  • February 1st 2023

    School food service professionals play a crucial role in promoting sustainability and creating a better future for our students and planet. One of the most effective ways to do this is through scratch cooking. Today we are going to review the importance of scratch cooking in schools.

    Here are some of the ways that scratch cooking can help to promote sustainability in school food service:

    1. Reduces waste: One of the primary benefits of scratch cooking is that it reduces the amount of food waste generated by the food service operation. By preparing food from raw ingredients, food service professionals can control portion sizes, minimize product spoilage, and reduce the amount of packaging waste generated by pre-packaged products.

    2. Supports local agriculture: Scratch cooking requires fresh ingredients and sourcing these ingredients from local farmers and food co-ops can help to support local agriculture and reduce the carbon footprint of the food service operation. Buying locally sourced ingredients also helps to ensure that the food is fresher, tastes better, and is more nutritious.

    3. Promotes healthy eating: Scratch cooking allows food service professionals to control the ingredients and cooking methods used to prepare food, which can help to promote healthy eating habits among students. By incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into their diets, students can develop healthier eating habits that will last a lifetime.

    4. Reduces costs: Although scratch cooking may require more time and effort, it can also reduce costs in the long run. By reducing food waste and sourcing ingredients locally, food service professionals can reduce the overall cost of food while also supporting local businesses and reducing the carbon footprint of their operation.

    5. Educates students: Finally, scratch cooking provides an opportunity to educate students about the importance of sustainability and healthy eating. By involving students in the cooking process, food service professionals can teach them about the benefits of scratch cooking, the importance of reducing waste, and the value of sourcing ingredients locally.

    Scratch cooking is a simple and effective way to promote sustainability and create a better future for our planet through school food service. By reducing waste, supporting local agriculture, promoting healthy eating, reducing costs, and educating students, we can work towards a more sustainable and healthier future.