If you’ve seen us at a trade show, taken a look at our YouTube channel or had a conversation with any of the territory managers at Cook’s, you’ve heard about Cook’s Brand. The reason for that is pretty simple; Cook’s Brand products are made for corrections. Every Cook’s Brand product was designed with the understanding of the correctional kitchen operation and to either solve a problem or to provide a better solution than what was available at the time.
Many of the items have come directly from ideas brought to us by our customers, correctional foodservice professionals. The Cook’s Brand Rite Size Dishers were the first 4, 6 and 8 oz. exact capacity dishers on the market because correctional meals are portioned in ounces and this gave operators the ability to get better portion control. The Flex Trays were the first silicone meal serving tray on the market. When silicone bakeware was introduced, it seemed like a natural fit for a safe meal serving solution that would be better in certain applications that disposable products or traditional copolymer or insulated trays. We have two new flex tray products being introduced in 2021, and the line has been utilized in prisons and jails across America, often in segregation units or for special diets.
Cook’s catalog is unique from the other catalogs you see for institutional kitchen equipment because the products are selected to meet the needs of the correctional kitchen – not schools, restaurants, or other institutional foodservice operations. Finally, the last section of the catalog is filled with resource information for the correctional foodservice manager to use in his operation.
There’s also one of the earliest Cook’s Brand items, the Knife Leash Kit. Tethering a knife in a correctional kitchen was not a new idea when Cook’s Brand introduced this product. What makes it unique is that it’s a system and it’s very easy to install. You don’t need maintenance to have it in your kitchen. It is a simple – almost elegant – solution to a common challenge faced in corrections.
Cook’s Brand products were bourn out of our knowledge of the correctional foodservice operation and in a genuine interest in serving our customers. We work with 2500 correctional facilities every year, and we found out that many of our customers faced similar challenges regardless of the size of their population. Let’s face it, if you’re cooking for 500 inmates or 10,000 inmates and you’re using kettle tools, you’ve experienced a broken whip at some point; that is, unless you’re using the Cook’s Brand Globe Whip. That’s why the Cook’s Brand Globe Whip exists, so that none of our customers experience that again. Cook’s Brand products are innovative designs with superior durability at great value. Take the Globe Whip as an example of this. The design is unique, and it was created with durability in mind. The ship wires go through the handle and they are welded to ½” diameter exterior tube. Once a wire gets broken on a traditional kettle whip, it now becomes a potential weapon and it’s no longer usable. Globe Whips are priced like traditional kettle whips, but they don’t break, providing you great value for the correctional kitchen.
The Cook’s Brand product line has grown over the years and is filled with meal serving products, kitchen supplies, carts and more. You can see all of it on our Cook’s Brand page or you can email us to request a Cook’s Brand Catalog.
The Cook’s Brand tag line is “Made for Corrections” because every Cook’s Brand product is engineered to solve a problem that exists in the correctional kitchen. You can count on Cook’s Brand to help your kitchen run smother and safe and all Cook’s Brand products are built to withstand the abuses of the correctional kitchen.