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  • January 10th 2023

    Proper organization in commercial refrigerators is important for a few reasons. Proper organization helps prevent cross-contamination of food. For example, raw meat should be stored separately from cooked food to prevent the risk of foodborne illness. Proper organization also increases the units efficiency. An organized refrigerator is easier to navigate, and also allows for more storage space. Today we are going to review space saving solutions for commercial refrigerators.

    Here are a few space-saving solutions for commercial refrigerators:

    1. Use stackable storage containers: Instead of using individual boxes or bags for each item, use stackable storage containers that can hold multiple items. This will help you save space and keep things organized.

    2. Utilize door storage: Most commercial refrigerators have storage on the doors. Utilize this space by storing items such as condiments and drinks on the door. This will free up shelf space for other items.

    3. Use food storage bins: Instead of using boxes or bags, use bins to store items. This will help you save space because you can stack the bins on top of each other.

    4. Consider using drawer units: Drawer units can be a great way to store small items such as bags of spices or packets of condiments. This will help you save space because the drawers can be stacked on top of each other.

    5. Get rid of unnecessary items: Take an inventory of what's being stored in the refrigerator and get rid of any items that are no longer needed. This will free up space and make it easier to find things.

    As mentioned above, proper organization in commercial refrigerators is important for multiple reasons, including food safety, increased efficiency, increased shelf life, better use of space, and improved appearance. At Cook's, we offer a wide selection of commercial refrigeration products from top manufacturers such as FSE, Everest, and more. If you have any questions regarding the purchase of new foodservice equipment, we are happy to assist you.