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  • January 3rd 2023

    Handwashing is one of the most important steps to take to prevent food poisoning when preparing food. The spread of germs from the hands of food workers is one of the most common causes of foodborne illness outbreaks. This can be extremely detrimental to staff, customers, and the operation as a whole if an outbreak occurs. Today we will take a look at when you should wash your hands and how to properly do so.

    Before beginning these tasks, always wash your hands

    • Before preparing food

    • Before putting on disposable gloves

    • Before handling clean flatware or utensils

    After these tasks, always wash your hands

    • Using the bathroom

    • Handling trash

    • Using cleaning chemicals

    • After removing disposable gloves

    • Using the POS system

    • Handling money

    Five Steps to Hand Washing

    1. Wet your hands with warm water and apply soap

    2. Lather the front and the back of your hands, between your fingers, and underneath your fingernails

    3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds (or for the length it takes to sing “Happy Birthday”)

    4. Rinse your hands

    5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or hand dryer

    As mentioned above, handwashing is one of the most important steps food handlers can take to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses. At Cook’s we have a wide range of hand sanitation products available, to further promote sanitation throughout your facility. If you need any assistance purchasing new foodservice equipment, we are happy to assist you.