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  • March 5th, 2021

    The kitchen is one of the top energy consuming operations in many institutions, after all, it’s operating 24/7 even if you’re not cooking all day through. The freezers and coolers are always working and if you have a large population that you feed in shifts, you’re cooking for the better part of the day. All that energy consumption can be reduced if you follow some simple tips for saving energy. In this post, we have the top 5 energy savings tips for your steamer.

    1. Close the Door – keeping the door closed will keep food hot and steam in, and also reduces wasted energy.

    2. Compartments – shut down unnecessary compartments during slow periods or times when you aren’t cooking with your steamer.

    3. Timers – save energy by making sure that the steamer runs at full heat only when it is needed.

    4. Clean It – regular cleaning helps ensure that your heavy-duty kitchen equipment is always operating at maximum efficiency.

    5. Maintain – servicing the steamer regularly and replacing any worn or broken parts will increase energy efficiencies.

    Follow these tips to keep your steamer running well and to keep you from wasting energy.

    energy saving cooking with steamers
