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    July 21st 2023

    Working in a correctional kitchen requires specific apparel considerations due to the unique environment and security concerns. Correctional facility kitchens must prioritize safety, hygiene, and security while providing inmates with nutritious meals. Today, we will explore the essential apparel needed in a correctional kitchen to ensure the well-being of staff and the secure operation of the facility.

    Non-Slip Shoes:

    • Select shoes with slip-resistant soles to reduce the risk of falls, especially in areas prone to spills and wet floors.

    • Closed-toe shoes provide protection against accidental spills or falling objects, minimizing the risk of injuries.

    Protective Gloves:

    • Train staff on the correct use of gloves, including changing them when switching tasks, handling raw and cooked food, or if they become torn or contaminated.

    Hair Restraints:

    • Require staff to wear hairnets or caps that fully cover and contain their hair, preventing loose hair from falling into food and maintaining a clean environment.

    • If applicable, staff members with facial hair should wear beard nets to prevent hair from contaminating food.

    Protective Aprons:

    • Choose aprons made of durable and easily washable materials to withstand the rigors of the correctional kitchen environment.

    •Ensure the aprons provide full coverage, protecting the staff's clothing from spills, stains, and potential hazards.

    The apparel worn in a correctional kitchen is essential for maintaining safety, security, and hygiene. From corrections-specific uniforms to non-slip shoes, protective gloves, hair restraints, and durable aprons, each element plays a crucial role in the efficient and secure operation of the facility. By adhering to these apparel guidelines, correctional kitchen staff can create a safe and controlled environment while providing nutritious meals to inmates. Prioritizing the well-being of staff, security protocols, and food safety standards ultimately contributes to the overall success of the correctional facility.