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    Commercial Food Warmers

    Food warmers will keep prepared food at serve safe temperatures for long periods of time, holding cooked food ready at just the right temperature for serving. Whether you're looking for catering food warmers, or a rethermalizer, start shopping below with our selection of Vollrath food warmers or take a look at our selection of Adcraft food warmers.

    Commercial food warmers are available in several sizes, shapes, and styles. Many food warmers include signage options that help promote the food products you are offering. The main differentiating factor in food warmers is if the heating process uses water or steam to heat the food or if it is a dry food warmer that uses direct contact or radiant heat to warm food. We carry commercial food warmers from top brands including Adcraft, Nemco, Duke, Vollrath and Winco. You will also find parts and accessories for commercial food warmers and rethermalizers at Cook’s Direct.

    If you have questions regarding food warmers and need assistance deciding what food warmer would be best for your institutional kitchen, please give us a call at 866-613-2617 and our customer service team will assist you in finding the right food warmer for your commercial kitchen.

    Selection Help

    When selecting the best food warmer or food rethermalizer for your institutional kitchen, you will want to take into consideration the following things:

    • Will I want a dry food warmer which requires less labor but has the potential for overheating the food or do I want a food warmer that heats the food with steam but requires water refills?
    • Do I need a food warmer to cook and warm, hold or rethermalize cold foods?
    • Do I have the proper utilities available in the area that I will be placing my food warmer?
    Expert Advice

    Whether you are selecting a soup warmer for a pop-up station on your university campus, catering food warmers, or a dry food warmer for your staff break room, you will want to consider closely what is the best fit for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call one of our experts.

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